Best Poker Night Food

Pizza with Eggs, Roasted Red Peppers, Olives, and Arugula. By Jill Silverman Hough. Well, before I start ranting about the appetizing food, hear me out for I am speaking on behalf of night owls. As much as we love to stay awake because of work or the reason that we have just.

Nothing says guy’s night like a six pack and a few rounds of Texas Hold’em. Whether you’re a verified tournament hosting pro or a poker playing newbie looking to practice your game with some friends, here are some essentials you’ll need to host the perfect poker night.

The Basics

If you’re new to poker hosting, here are the bare essentials you’ll need to get a game started.

1. An Awesome Poker Table

Surprisingly, there is more to a poker table than just a table, and not any will do. There are three important things to keep in mind when picking your ideal table: shape, surface, and size.

In general, the best shape for a poker table is the classic round shape. This allows players to sit comfortably and evenly spaced around the table. No one needs to have a corner sticking into his stomach and everyone can reach the middle. A round table also allows dealers to easily deal out cards.

The ideal surface for a table would be one that is slick enough to allow cards to slide across but not so slippery that they slide off. The classic green felt used on most standard poker tables are ideal, but wood can also work if it isn’t too polished.

Best Poker Night FoodBest poker night foods

Lastly, when converting your kitchen table into a poker table using a table top, keep in mind that it should be large enough to accommodate all the players, as well as any other items such as drinks or ashtrays, but not so large that it’s difficult to reach the middle. If you’re looking to save space and keep all the amenities of a professional poker table, look into some foldable ones. Some even have cup holders built right in!

2. Poker Chips that Say You’re a Professional

2 x 500 piece 13.5 gram Triple Striped Clay Poker Chip Set

While anything can be used as chips, it says something about a poker night when you’re using the real thing. Poker chips are usually made from three standard materials: plastic, ceramic, and clay. Cheaper ones are usually plastic and on the flimsier side, but they’ll still get the job done. However, if you’re looking to make poker night a regular thing, invest in some nice clay chips. They are casino quality, less slippery, and make a really satisfying sound when you throw them into the pot.

3. Cards

Any standard deck of playing cards will do, but have at least two decks on hand. You should switch decks between deals to save time. No one wants to sit and watch as someone else shuffles. It would also be good to invest in some plastic cards. They’re easier to shuffle, less likely to rip, and spill proof, just in case it turns into that kind of night.

Classic Comforts

Now that you have the basics, you can add a bit of flare to your games. Here are some little things to impress your guests and make the night run smoother

4. Blinds Timer

Best Poker Night Food

Dealer Button Timer

There are plenty to keep track of during a poker game – pot odds, potential hand opportunities, the tells of the player across from you – but blinds shouldn’t be one of them. Before the game starts, set up a blind structure. There are many online sites and apps to help you find the best blind structure based on your player and chip count. Make sure everyone agrees to this structure and set a timer so you’ll never forget to raise the blinds again. If you’re big on functionality, you can buy dealer chips that double as blind timers – just another thing to show your guests you know what you’re doing.

5. Chip Calculator

Best Finger Foods For Poker Night

If you’re not too mathematically inclined, use a chip distribution calculator to help you determine a perfect way to split the stacks. The amount of chips each player gets and how much they’re worth depends on how many chips you have, how many players you have, what your starting blinds are, what the buy-in is, and if you’re allowed re-buys. Make sure you have the right chip distribution or you could end up playing till the early morning.

6. Poster of All the Hands

Poker is a game for everyone, though not everyone may be familiar with it. Accommodate players of all levels by having a poster of the hand rankings in visible view. It’ll make the game run smoother and you won’t have to keep explaining what beats what.

7. Comfortable Seating

Poker may be a fast paced game, but it is not for those with weak stamina. A casual six-player game can easily go on for at least two hours. Here, standard hosting practices apply. Have out some beers (soda for the designated drivers) and some chips. Cushioned seats and snacks will keep even the losing players happy.

For the Pros

Once you’re ready for the big leagues, add these items to your night. Though non-essential, they really bring you one step closer to that Vegas feel.

Food For A Poker Party

8. Automatic Card Shuffler

If you aren’t a good shuffler, or simply don’t want to, there are many cheap, automatic card shufflers available for purchase. They can shorten the wait time between hands and let you rest yours.

9. Card Guards

Poker night recipes

Good Luck Card Guard

Used by most professional players, card guards prevent your cards from accidentally being discarded. Poker nights can get rather hectic, especially with six or more players, and it can be hard for the dealer to keep track of who is still in and who is out. Have some card guards on hand to give to your players. Not only will it class up the night, it can also prevent some good hands from being accidentally mucked. Plus, they’ll have a nice souvenir to take home.

Guy’s night doesn’t have to get complicated. With just a few items you can make poker night a regular thing. Poker is easy to learn, relatively inexpensive to play, and the perfect way to finish up that seemingly endless work week. Put on some conversation-friendly background music, leave out some snacks, and you’ll have a night of fun for everyone!

  1. Very impressed with all the advice for poker nights.thanx

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Is there a better way to lose money than sitting around drinking beers and playing poker with your boys on a Saturday night?

Of course, we’d all like to take home the pot at the end of the night – who doesn’t want an extra $200-$300 padding the wallet, but the concept of having a poker night itself is enough of a distraction from the monotonous day-to-day life that it makes any financial loss seem worthwhile.

In other words, poker can be one of a few motivating factors that get you up in the morning and get you to sludge through that mind-numbing routine people call a work week – and that’s when you lose.

But if you’re fortunate enough to win, poker night becomes better than New Year’s Eve or whatever “fun” holiday you can think of. (Seriously, who needs to be squished in a compact room with a bunch of drunkards you don’t know counting down from 10 to 1? Excuse my bluntness, but I’ll take the money and run every damn time.)

Aside from winning or losing, guys like poker nights because they are calm. There’s no obscene behavior from random people you don’t know; there’s no wild and uncontrolled screaming; there’s nobody ordering you to do something you don’t want to do; and there’s certainly no bad music being played in the background.

That’s what happens when 5-6 guys – or more depending if you’re doing multiple tables – who share similar interests and respect one another gather around a table to play poker.

It’s the bro version of a Thanksgiving dinner – everyone is cooperative and polite as long as everyone gets a plate and a place at the table.


Well, cooperative until there’s a dispute about the rules of the game – a staple of any poker night. That’s why it’s important that who’s ever hosting to create a set of house rules and print out whatever stuff can be found online that is valuable information. This hopefully will negate most arguments and conflicts – although as the night moves on and alcohol continues to be consumed, you can never truly predict how guys will behave.

With all that said, here are some of the essentials for having a poker night with your boys:

Alcohol (preferably top shelf liquor)

Poker Night Recipes

Best Poker Night Food

Going off that earlier point that poker night can serve as a quasi climax, or high point, of the week: there needs to be some respectable liquor brought and served. I’m talking Red Label or Jameson, at the very least. I didn’t work my ass off all week long to spend my three hours of complete freedom sipping on $10 vodka or gin – or worse, Busch Light.

If you’re going to do beer, I feel like cans are unacceptable. This isn’t a frat party – there’s no pong table being wheeled out once you’re eliminated. That means you need to have something that’s strong and tastes good to numb your sorrows.

Chewing Tobacco

I’m a big time believer that once you sit down, you shouldn’t get up (unless you have to piss). That means no group cigarette breaks – they ruin the pacing of the game and isolate non smokers. The happy medium is an endless supply of chewing tobacco. That way everyone who wants to get their fix can whenever they want without having to pause the game.

Plus, doesn’t it just feel like a badass move to say “I’ll re-raise ya” and then spit into a can. I feel like that’s always one of the best moments of any poker night.


I swear we’ll get to some actual poker essentials soon enough – like the materials you need to play the game, but for now we’re trying to set the perfect mood.

Cigars go a long way in a poker night because they burn forever and they can be a topic of conversation within themselves in case the well of discussion runs dry.

Furthermore, they’re another good thing to have to keep players asses in their seats and not itching to go smoke a cigarette. Seriously, I hate when a game breaks for 15-20 minutes or when an individual player takes to automatically folding 3-4 hands.

True, this isn’t the World Series of Poker, but come on. Let’s have some discipline here boys.

Poker Case

This needs to have at least four different colored chips, a dealer chip and two fresh decks of cards. If any of these items are missing, so is the integrity of your poker night.

Seriously, if you’re so cheap that you can’t fork out $40-50 to buy one of these cases, then I question your manhood.

It’s a solid investment no matter how you look at it. It’s reusable, it makes others happy and it’s an essential part of playing a game that makes you relax and feel good.

Literally a win-win-win type of situation. You can’t go wrong.

Note: having a second case if you have multiple tables is a good idea. Inspecting the decks doesn’t hurt too. It sounds snobby but you are playing for cash here.

Boxed or Bagged Food

Some guys might here poker night and say fire up the grill. Wrong. You don’t cook meat for the dudes when they come over for poker, that’s what football Sunday’s are for.

For poker, you should order in a few pizzas or go shopping and get a bunch of chips and salsa. Anything more and you’re grossly overthinking it.

Like anything else, adding food can be a distraction to the night – don’t let it be.

Best Poker Night Foods

Background Movie

I know I mentioned music somewhere up above in the introduction, but it has no place at a poker game. First, it’s distracting. Second, it’s loud regardless of where the speakers are in the room. And third, it creates more unnecessary arguments amongst players.

How can you avoid all of this you might wonder? DON’T PLAY MUSIC AT YOUR POKER NIGHT. It’s really that simple.

If one of your players wants it, tell him to go to the club.

Put on a sporting event and let that be your background noise if you deem having background noise a necessity (I don’t). If sports isn’t an option, throw on a background movie.

Any Martin Scorcese film should do just fine – Goodfellas, Casino, The Departed and, most recently added, The Wolf Of Wall Street. All of these movies are about greed in some form or another and they teeter on being three hours long. In other words, they are meant to be played during a poker game at a low volume.

I don’t know about you but after I lose, there’s nothing more consoling than seeing DeNiro and Pesci go at it or Leo, Damon, Jack and Wahlberg. I love that shit.


Well, that’s why everyone comes to play in the first place, right? You can’t have a legit poker game with IOUs and crap like that. Everyone needs to bring cash and put it on the table before the cards are dealt. Otherwise you’d be better off playing Monopoly.

An empty house (or apartment)

Poker Night In America Videos

More essential than money; the poker chips, the decks of cards and Martin Scorcese is the serenity of an open house or apartment.

Best Books On Poker

If your spouse or roommate is going to be there the whole time, you mine as well cancel for another weekend. There’s no reason to have the guys over for poker if you’re not going to have absolute freedom from everyday life.

Remember, poker night is like a vacation where you don’t have to go anywhere. Anything less and you’re not doing it right.

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